Monday, January 16, 2012

God Of The New

A new year is upon us and with it comes the anticipation of what lies ahead.  As Christians we live with a future hope.  We look forward to God's redemptive work as he “makes all things new” (Rev 21:5).  What are your hopes and desires as you move into this new year?
At Willow Creek our desire is that we can continue to develop new and creative ways to support, inspire, encourage and equip you in the mission that God has called his Church to.  We are looking forward in the next few months to sharing with you the ways that we will be doing this through 2012.
Along with some new initiatives we are also looking to some new ways of engaging with you.  We will be looking to enhance our online engagement, both in regular communication and in training opportunities.  We also want to offer you more extensive access to affordable resources and training opportunities.   So keep an eye on your email inbox.
Planning for this year's Global Leadership Summit is already underway, and with nearly 1000 people already registered we are looking forward to seeing what God will do through this event.  We are planning on expanding our locations into more regional centres this year, and continuing the development of more Australian input as part of the Summit. 
We serve a God of the new and we look forward in this New Year to hearing the stories of the new things that God is doing through your ministry as we partner with you.
Andrew McCafferty

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